
Power Workers Union Grant

In 2024, the Power Workers Union granted the club $1,000. We used the money to upgrade the ice heater scheduler controller unit. The new controller is wifi enabled and remotely accessible through a smart phone app. The unit allows precise scheduling of the ice heaters. This will provide more comfort to players and reduced heating costs.

Municipality of Kincardine

The Municipality of Kincardine  continues to support our club under
its Community Investment Grants program. Here is a list of their support
from recent years.

2024: We used the $1,000 grant to purchase two peices of equipment. 1) replaced the curling stone location dial measurer tool, and 2) add a wifi enabled, remote access lounge thermostat. The new themostat will provide us with more precision in the control of the tmperature of the lounge, providing more comfort to our members and lower our energy costs.

2023 : We used the $1,000 grant to replace some ice maintenance related
equipment as well as replacement towel dispensers for the washrooms.

2022 : We used the $1,000 grant to add a new heavy duty equipment
storage shelf unit and upgraded parking lot lighting with new energy
efficient LED lamps.

2021 : We used the $1,500 grant to add new exterior signage. We were
also able to purchase a portable dehumidifier for the lounge.

2020 : We used the $2,000 grant used to  purchase a new electric water
heater. The new unit replaced a rented oil fired heater, which was
expensive to both rent and fuel. We were also able upgrade the arena
humidity control system.



Horizons for Seniors Program

Horizons for Seniors Program

With funding from the New Horizons for Seniors Program, the Kincardine Curling Club purchased an air conditioning unit for the lounge.



October 15, 2022

$25,300 Grant Upgrades Kincardine Curling Club Facilities

Kincardine, ON – On Saturday, MPP Lisa Thompson formally congratulated the members of the Kincardine Curling Club, which received a $25,300 Resilient Communities Fund grant earlier this year from the Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF). Club members are looking forward to the coming season and were busy over the last while making some upgrades to the building by installing exterior and interior push button automatic doors, as well as installing air conditioning in the Club’s lounge.

“The $25,300 grant provided by the Ontario Trillium Foundation is a valuable contribution that will build on the vitality of the Kincardine Curling Club,” said Lisa Thompson, MPP for Huron-Bruce. “Investments such as this has hit the ‘button’ and enables the Club to demonstrate how its rink is easy to access and comfortable for curlers of all ages!”

With the addition of air-conditioning, the Club’s facilities will be more comfortable year-round for community organizations and members of the public who use the space for meetings, family gatherings, wedding receptions and fundraising events. The project was completed during the summer and will provide improved access to events at the Kincardine Curling Club for many years to come.

The Kincardine Curling Club is committed to offering curling to all members of the community. The club offers learn to curl programs, a junior program, mixed leagues, a senior’s league, and a competitive league. The Club also offers its facilities for rent throughout the year. If you wish to enquire about using the space for your meeting or hosting an event, please contact This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it..

The Ontario Trillium Foundation (OTF) mission is to build healthy and vibrant communities across Ontario. As an agency of the Government of Ontario, and one of Canada’s leading granting foundations, last year, OTF invested nearly $209M into 2,042 community projects and partnerships, which included funding for the Government of Ontario’s Community Building Fund. Since 2020, OTF has supported Ontario’s economic recovery by helping non-profit organizations rebuild and recover from the impacts of COVID-19. Visit to learn more. 



In Photo: Brian MacEachern, Beth Mimnagh, Lisa Thompson (MPP)
Organization Contact for Media Inquiries:
Beth Mimnagh, Kincardine Curling Club
This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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League Schedules

League schedules, teams and results can all be found in the members section of the website once you LOGIN.

Contact Info

lighthouseKincardine Curling Club
277 Penetangore Row
Kincardine, Ontario,
N2Z 2P6
[email protected]

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About the Club

A great way to spend time with family, friends and colleagues, curling at the Kincardine Curling Club offers both competitive and recreational options.

Starting in November, and running through to mid-April, curling in Kincardine has never been so easy—with Learn To Curl programs for newcomers, and men’s, women’s and mixed leagues for more established players. Under 18 and want to curl? Kincardine Curling Club has an active junior program.

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